

Friday, March 2, 2012

Shooting lanes

Cleaning your shooting lines
I know, you have spent enough time on hunting during the last season and you want to take a little time to relax. But if you want to be successfull during the next hunting season, you should start now. 

Deer are presently in yards. You won't disturb them if you spend some times in your hunting territory. Now is the time to clean those shooting lines on all your treestands. 

Do not remove too much of these twigs. In the spring, most of the leaves grow on these twigs. If you cut only a few, you will stay well hidden in the vegetation around you. 

At least 3 good shooting lines 

You will need 3 good shooting lines. Make sure you end up with one in the front, one on the right and one on the left. 

Usually all the branches on your back will hide you pretty well. So you should not remove any at all, otherwise the ''camo'' effect of your hunting suit would disappear completely. All hunting suits have the same advantage. It will mix your silhouette with the surrounding vegetation. 

During the spring, try to cut first the larger diameter branches that obstruct your shooting line. Your shooting lines should aim directly  at the various trails and be at least 30 meters long.

Doing this kind of work before the snow melts, will prevent the deer from being disturbed by these changes to their habitat.
Leaving the cut branches on the forest floor will provide food for the deer when they return. 

Do not let unnecessary branches prevent you from harvesting a deer this fall. 

Observe all safety guidelines 

As for hunting, inform someone of where you are going and /or take a hunting friend with you. Safety should always be on your mind when you prepare your hunt.


Version française: http://nanookqc.blogspot.com/2012/03/les-lignes-de-tir.html

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