

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

ASGRQ: In exchange for our rights

Here is a text of the President of  the ''Association des Sauvaginiers de la Grande Région de Québec (ASGRQ):  Mr.Kevin Piton

In exchange for our rights

There is a plague raging now in the province of Québec, as declining membership happens in hunting organizations. As hunters, you have to respect the rules and these rules are most of the time issued by government authorities, whether federal, provincial and municipal. 

When a anti-hunting set of rules is promoted and/or when territories are restricted, who are the peoples before the courts to represent you ? Answer: Associations !

I am a member and president of the ASGRQ. We are a non-profit organization run by a committee of directors of nine volunters members. A few years ago we were over 400 members, nowaday we are less than 100 members. 

The large FéDéCP is losing membership

There are several regional associations in Québec. The large Fédération québécoise des chasseurs et pêcheurs had at one time over 160 000 members. Hunters and fishermans gave their contribution every year to the fédération. Today, the FéDéCP has less than 4 000 members.

Where does the decline comes from

Where does it comme from ? A decline in services ? No, it has never offered so many ! A decline in the number of hunters ? No, the classrooms are full of students ans their number are increasing. An increase in subscription cost ? No, all associations have lowered the cost of membership to attrack people ! 

It must be because the harvest is so good in Québec, that hunters do not think about their rights and to ensure that their sport is well represented. Félix Leclerc in his song titled ''Le Chant d’un Patriote'' once said : 

Je suis seul de mon équipage, 
Les gens d’ici sont peu violents. 
Parce qu’ils ont viande sous la dent 
Et ventre plein n’a pas de rage.

We now must defend the rights of hunters at all levels. With municipalities who want to pass regulations limiting the discharge of firearms, bows and crossbows at ridiculous distances, we are not out of trouble yet. The biggest problem with losing members, is that we do not have the weight of numbers in our favor to defend your rights.

A resolution for 2012

I often go to different stores offering hunting and fishing gears. I find it funny to see hunters who are willing to spend hundreds of dollars to upgrade their weapons, their ammunition, their hunting clothes and their electronics equipments. On top of that, they are spending their money to buy bottles of all kind of products. 

As a president, I have to justify the minimal cost of a membership card in our association by offering stickers, badges and hunting books, while the mere fact of defending their rights should be enough.  

So ladies and gentleman, in 2012 take the resolution to defend your rights as a hunter, by joining an association that represents you. How much will it cost you ? Every association has its own rates, but it is often the equivalent price of a box of shotgun(cheapest), a camo net, a flashlight or a bottle of ..... 

Kevin Piton

Please note that the opinion of Mr Kevin Piton does not necessarily represent the opinion of the author of this blog.


Version en français: http://nanookqc.blogspot.com/2012/03/asgrq-en-echange-de-nos-droits.html

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