WARNING: This blog contains information on the sport of bowhunting, most specifically whitetail deer. Once the translation from the French blog has been completed, more than 300 articles written on this subject will be available for consulting. Please leave your comments.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
A little help by the hunters
I think the ''cold front''that approaches the sport of hunting, will bring very serious problems for hunters in the coming years. I see more clearly that dangers will surge on hunting enthusiasts.
There are of course all those organisations who want more controls on hunting rifles. Anti-hunters and animal lovers who think that hunting is a disgusting sport. There are also municipalities, farmer groups, transportation departments who all want less game on their territories, their lands and their roads.
We should band together to defend our traditions and our rights, so as not to let them win one single inch of the coming battle.
Hunting is becoming too expensive
However what bothers me recently is that soon, we will not have the means to hunt. All this talk about ''big bucks'' that are so beautiful is killing the sport. Trying to ask permission from a farmer in the coming years will be increasingly difficult. Either he will laugh at you or it will take several hundred of dollars to get the permission to hunt.
I hope someday we will not find ourselves as most European countries are, where hunting is restricted to the wealthy and the landlords. To date most hunters can hunt in Québec public forests for the price of a hunting license. Hunting in these areas is probably more difficult than on a managed land but the experience is more rewarding.
If you want to keep these territories full of game as they are today, we hunters should make sure that compagnies engaged in exploration and in extraction do so correctly, in accordance with all environmental standards, so that the forest and the game are not adversely affected.
Most important do not hesitate to go and see for yourself what happens there. I think that as long as such wild places will exist, our immediate task is always to protect them. This is a very important part of our tradition.
Version en français: http://nanookqc.blogspot.com/2012/03/un-petit-peu-daide-des-chasseurs.html
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