WARNING: This blog contains information on the sport of bowhunting, most specifically whitetail deer. Once the translation from the French blog has been completed, more than 300 articles written on this subject will be available for consulting. Please leave your comments.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The dignity of Québec hunters.
For those who still doubt, the Association des chasseurs de Gros Gibiers du Québec is now established. It aims to defend the rights of hunters in Québec. Today, the right to hunt, recognized in a law named the ''Loi sur la conservation de la faune'', is threatened everywhere.
Municipalities enact new regulations under false pretenses (with stiff fines) to prohibit hunting on their territories. The Ministère des ressources naturelles et de la faune (MRNF) does not object formally to any of these bylaws, preventing the lawful right to hunt on these lands.
Yet the Act simply says and I quote: '' We must understand that ''hinder'' may among other things, include the act of : preventing access to a hunter on the same land that it had legal access previously.
Very little response from the Agencies
Large organizations that have long been fighting for hunters in Québec, are hardly better than the ministry, leaving the scene without a fight for those they represent. I can only assume of course, that the taste of fighting for Québec hunters in these organisations, has gradually disappeared.
For those who doubt the Association des Chasseurs de Gros Gibiers du Québec (ACGGQ) is not in operation, I would leave you with a quote from Mr. René Lévesque, a journalist at the famous show ''Point de mire'' to explain the importance of our approach.
Well, it, it's part of dignity. These things, God knows as experience proves, you cannot get by asking:"If you please, will you meet us ?
It is obtained as the rest, by flexing some muscles. And collectively, because there is no other way.''
And, as the dignity of Québec hunters is involved...
Version française: http://nanookqc.blogspot.com/2012/02/la-dignite-des-chasseurs-quebecois.html
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