WARNING: This blog contains information on the sport of bowhunting, most specifically whitetail deer. Once the translation from the French blog has been completed, more than 300 articles written on this subject will be available for consulting. Please leave your comments.
Monday, February 6, 2012
60 000 deer for the needy
I follow very closely all organisations in the United States, advocating the gift of wild meat to the needy. The following is an image of the result of several years of effort by these organizations to provide quality meat to the poor.
In a previous article, I submit that more than 100,000 fawn were born every year on Anticosti island. The Québec government biologists are looking for solutions since 2004, to address the problem that 166,000 whitetail deer are causing on the vegetation of the island.
But biologists have only the profitability of the hunting industry in mind. Biologist François Potvin has clearly said that ''in a better environment the deer will be stronger, better fed, more attractive also for hunting. We will also ensure its long-term survival.''
Every spring
Every spring in late april or early may, whoever visit the island will find on the beaches and in the forests, tens of thousands of deer carcasses died of starvation and/or cold. And the same phenomenon occurs every year.
I have seen this situation when I was living in Seven Islands. I made a 20 miles trip to the island by boat (in front of Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan) with friends from Havre-St-Pierre. I simply could not believe my eyes.
You will not see pictures of this prenomenon in advertising published by the SEPAQ or the MRNF.
60,000 deer die each year.
The MRNF spends millions of dollars to construct enclosures for wealthy hunters who will harvest four (4) deer on the island. Do you realy think that the company Anticosti Forest Product erects fences and replants trees without any subsidy ? Do you think that outfitters do not benefit from this situation ?
The deer will die anyway
Why do not spend a few millions to organized the collection and the distribution of meat from Anticosti to the poor. Either way the deer will die anyway and all that meat will be lost forever.
Why not offer a volontary group of hunters to hunt more than 60,000 deer for the poor. If the MRNF is subsidizing Anticosti Forest Product millions of dollars, why not do it for a group of deer hunters who would hunt for the less fortunate.
One million servings
These hunters would hunt for free in all parts of the island and takinf care not to affect the outfitters territories. Can you believe it ! We could start with a group of about 10 hunters which could harvest from september 1st to december 31st, an average of 10 deer per day for a period of four (4) months.
At an average of 25 pounds of meat per deer, these hunters would provide more than 1 million servings (1/4 pound) to distribute to the needy. I am convinced that the organization of such a humane ''chore'' would bring hundreds of hunters to volunteer.
The problem of surplus whitetail deer on Anticosti island would be solved in a constructive ans humanitarian way. The world would look at us with admiration !
What a great worldwide advertising for Québec !
See the previous article:
Version en français: http://nanookqc.blogspot.com/2012/01/60-000-cerfs-de-virginie-pour-les.html
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