WARNING: This blog contains information on the sport of bowhunting, most specifically whitetail deer. Once the translation from the French blog has been completed, more than 300 articles written on this subject will be available for consulting. Please leave your comments.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The dignity of Québec hunters.
For those who still doubt, the Association des chasseurs de Gros Gibiers du Québec is now established. It aims to defend the rights of hunters in Québec. Today, the right to hunt, recognized in a law named the ''Loi sur la conservation de la faune'', is threatened everywhere.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Is Anticosti a myth ?
Version en français: http://nanookqc.blogspot.com/2011/05/lile-anticosti-est-elle-un-mythe.html
Beware of odors
The smell of your body is easily transmitted through your hands on the steps of your ladder when you climb on your treestand. In deer bowhunting this harmless gesture is of the utmost importance.
Monday, February 6, 2012
60 000 deer for the needy
I follow very closely all organisations in the United States, advocating the gift of wild meat to the needy. The following is an image of the result of several years of effort by these organizations to provide quality meat to the poor.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Too many deer on Anticosti
SEPAQ advertising
The SEPAQ in its advertising claims that the Anticosti island has a concentration of more than 20 deer/km2 or 52 deer/m2. A total of 166,000 whitetail deer live on the Anticosti island according to the Ministère des ressources naturelles et de la faune (MRNF).
Moreover the SEPAQ (Société des établissements de plein air du Québec) said: ''The special diet of deer on Anticosti island gives their meat a more refined taste''.
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