WARNING: This blog contains information on the sport of bowhunting, most specifically whitetail deer. Once the translation from the French blog has been completed, more than 300 articles written on this subject will be available for consulting. Please leave your comments.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Treestand installation
As I have often said to my fellow hunters, you must install the stands and clear all lines, weeks prior to the hunting season. It will allow time for the deer to get used to the changes you have made.
However I strongly suggest to buy the new treestands made of metal or aluminum. The time of treestand made of wood is gone. Not only do they damage the trees by nailing the pieces together, but often the hunter uses pieces of woodwaste that have already advanced in age. After only a few years, these stands are becoming unsafe because wood rots too quickly.
Unsafe treestand
Here is a picture of a treestand made of wood. Note the pieces of wood nailed into the tree to serve as steps. This stand is unsafe.
You have seen previously a picture of my new treestand purchased in Florida at a price of $63.59 in a liquidation sale.
If you compare it to the wood treestand, it is characrerized by its safety. But you must put a chain with a padlock to secure it, so that unscrupulous hunters would not be tempted to steal it. It happened to me several years ago.
Hunting tip
Here is a tip I have learn over the years. The months of august and september can be very dry in Québec. It is important that you locate a place in your territory that deer use to drink. In spring and summer this detail is not of great importance since it often rains.
But if the lack of rain is felt during the months of august and september, you will have an opportunity to harvest a deer near a pool of permanent water.
Species of trees
It is always interesting to identify species of trees that live in your hunting territory. It would be advisable to be able to identify white oaks, which generally provide acorns in the fall.
I invite you to search your area to help you to set up your treestand in the right place.
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