WARNING: This blog contains information on the sport of bowhunting, most specifically whitetail deer. Once the translation from the French blog has been completed, more than 300 articles written on this subject will be available for consulting. Please leave your comments.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Message from the Président of the ACGGQ
Gros Gibiers du Québec
It is not without pride that I announce that your association in now alive. The association is now recruiting and I can not wait to see if the big game hunters from Québec are interested to come together.
To carry out its mission with a significant representation, the association must recruit a large number of members.
A three stage mission
The three main components of the mission of the ACGGQ aim to:
- Promote and defends your rights ;
- Ensure the durability of this traditionnal activity ;
- Contribute to the vitality of the sport of hunting by making
a vital contribution to the public debate.
Concrete actions by the ACGGQ in each of these objectives is considered and there is no doubt that the actions of the association at the provincial level will directly affect you.
Nevertheless, as is the case in all associations, sometimes some people are questionning the relevance of their membership to such a group. Yet there is no doubt in the mind of big game hunters that decisions taken regularly by the Ministère des ressources Naturelles et de la Faune for big game species directly affect them. Belonging to an association ou group for the purpose of having an official representative however is relatively easy to assess.
Undeniable advantages
Nevertheless, besides these important aspects, many other benefits have to be considered.
Being a part of the ACGGQ will :
a) Allow hunters to speak with one voice ;
b) To be assured of proper and efficient representation ;
c) To be assured of being well defended for our rights or when
our interests are at stake ;
d) Break the isolation of hunters and enjoy the benefits of a
hunter's networking ;
e) Take advantage of an offer of development activities
(guide) in relation to your activity at a reasonable cost ;
f) Be represented by an experience and credible interlocutor
with the Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune,
as well as its various network partners in public debates
about the industry.
Prospects for the coming months
The main objective of the ACGGQ is directly related to its mission, specifically with the preferred orientations decided in the next general meeting.
For 2012, the ACGGQ priority is to recruit new members. Every effort and energy will therefore be made to this end by all members who join the association.
Please remember that this association is created to serve hunters. So do not hesitate to contact the undersigned with any questions or any comments, whether about a personal file or in respect to the management of wildlife.
Your cooperation and mobilization are the sources of our actions and our successes..In other words....the proof of the dynamism of YOUR association !
The Association has its own blog : http://acggq.blogspot.ca/
Have a nice spring !
André Simard
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Hunters without power
I really think we, the ''big game hunters'' can have more power over decisions that affect us. Currently the big game hunters are particularly scattered throughout the province.
ThermaCELL mosquito repellent
Mosquito Area repellent
The ThermaCELL gadget as shown on the picture below is sold by many larges stores (Home Dépôt,Canadian Tire and Walmart) in the Montréal region. But you can find it a lot cheaper elsewhere.
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