

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The dignity of Québec hunters.

A Law threatened everywhere
For those who still doubt, the Association des chasseurs de Gros Gibiers du Québec is now established. It aims to defend the rights of hunters in Québec. Today, the right to hunt, recognized in a law named the ''Loi sur la conservation de la faune'', is threatened everywhere.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Is Anticosti a myth ?

Anticosti: a magical island to hunt

The term'' myth'' is often used to refer to a mistaken belief at first, but can refer to concrete elements symbolically expressed and shared by a significant number of people. This is how Wikipedia describes the word ''myth.'' 

The Société des établissement de plein air (SEPAQ), is an entity of the Government of Quebec, which manages parks and reserves. It thus manages hunting on Anticosti Island.  

They sell this island as an outstanding destination and says on its website that the island is recognized as an exceptional area for hunting deer.

Many professional photographers sites on the Internet are promoting the island. You will see deer with large racks collected by various hunters in recent years. 

Sold for its large racks

Sold on the possibility to harvest a large rack, the fact remains that visiting or hunting on Anticosti island is a unique experience. 

A statistical study of deer, on the website of the Ministère des ressources naturelles et de la faune however, shows that Anticosti Island is not the exceptional territory it used to be. 

Harvesting a large antlered buck

'' If we compare the odds of harvesting a large antlered buck according to the  official statistics, they are not very different from those of mainland Québec.  

If you exclude from the mainland statistics, the  thousands of  permits issued for several years, to harvest doe to farmers, to ZEC (Zone d'Exploitation Contrôlées) and to outfitters, the odds of harvesting a buck are slightly better on the mainland.

From the statistics issued by the Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune (MRNF), we learned that in 2010, hunters have harvested 5,565 bucks on a total of 9,265 deer on Anticosti island. It accounts for 60.1% of the total deer harvested. 

On the mainland Québec hunters have harvested 24,161 bucks on a total of 43,205 deer, an average of 55.9%. These figures are obtained by subtracting the ​​zone 20 area(Anticosti island) from the grand total.

If you remove the estimated 6000  doe permits harvested, the   percentage rises to 64.9%.  

Odds are better on the mainland

So according to the 2010 statistics,  the odds of harvesting  a'' buck'' on Anticosti island was  60.1% and on the mainland at 64.9%. 
I therefore found that your chances of harvesting a buck on the mainland would be better than on  Anticosti island.

Anticosti is a ''myth''

Anticosti Island offers more than 160,000 deer to hunters over its vast territory of 7980 square kilometers, and surely more than 80,000 mature bucks: more than 10 bucks/square kilometer or 26 bucks/square mile.

The hunt on Anticosti Island is offered, both by the SEPAQ and by outfitters, with an experienced guide. 

Hunters can hunt in groups , which means that if they have signed the required form, the hunter who have already harvested their deer can kill one, two, three or even four additional deer, for hunters who did not had a chance to complete their hunts.  

Despite all these additionnal benefits,  Anticosti hunters vs mainland Québec, the average hunt is only 1.85 deer per hunter.  

An average of 1.11 buck / hunter

But if you divide the total of 9,265 deer harvested in 2010 by an average of 1.85 deer / hunter, we therefore had about 5,000 hunters on Anticosti island.  

Given that the number of males harvested was only 5565. We can say that the'' average'' buck harvest was only 1.11 deer/ hunter, in a controlled environment with an average of 10 bucks/km2 (26/m2) 

Gentlemen hunters: Anticosti is a myth .

Beware of odors

On the treestand

The smell of your body is easily transmitted through your hands on the steps of your ladder when you climb on your treestand. In deer bowhunting this harmless gesture is of the utmost importance.

Monday, February 6, 2012

60 000 deer for the needy

Donate venison to a local food shelf !

I follow very closely all organisations in the United States, advocating the gift of wild meat to the needy. The following is an image of the result of several years of effort by these organizations to provide quality meat to the poor.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Too many deer on Anticosti

Anticosti island

SEPAQ advertising

The SEPAQ in its advertising claims that the Anticosti island has a concentration of more than 20 deer/km2 or 52 deer/m2. A total of 166,000 whitetail deer live on the Anticosti island according to the Ministère des ressources naturelles et de la faune (MRNF).

Moreover the SEPAQ (Société des établissements de plein air du Québec) said: ''The special diet of deer on Anticosti island gives their meat a more refined taste''.


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